
Remote vehicle control testing at KTH
WISE-ACT > Events

WISE-ACT Final Conference

Our 5 WISE-ACT Thematic Reports were launched at our Final Conference which took place online on 29th March 2022 10:00-14:00 CEST (9:00-13:00 UK). Check out the Agenda and the Thematic Report presentations:

  1. WG1 Thematic Report Launch: Institutional & Regulatory Challenges
  2. WG2 Thematic Report Launch: Social Challenges
  3. WG3 Thematic Report Launch: Business Challenges
  4. WG4 Thematic Report Launch: Transport Demand and User Challenges
  5. WG5 Thematic Report Launch: Simulation & Scenario Evaluation

Idea Jam Challenge 2019

Our Idea Jam Challenge 2019 is a unique opportunity to join an international multi-disciplinary community of experts and work in addressing the challenges of Autonomous and Connected Transport. If you would like to find out more details and how you can get involved, read more…

3rd Workshop and MC5 meeting

Our 3rd Workshop focusing on (Autonomous and Connected Transport) ACT Training & Education is hosted by the Transport and Telecommunication Institute in Riga on 17th  – 18th October 2019. This event will be co-located with the Relstat international conference. Follow the discussion @WISEACT2050

MC4 meeting

Our MC4 meeting is hosted on 29th March 2019 at the Technion University after the WISE-ACT Training School 2019. Follow the discussion @WISEACT2050

WISE-ACT Training School 2019

Our WISE-ACT Training School 2019 will be hosted by the Technion between 26th – 28th March 2019. Grants are available for Early Career Investigators to assist with the expenses of attending this Training School. Interested applicants should apply by 11th February 2019 to attend this Training School and state whether they wish to be considered for a WISE-ACT grant. You can also follow updates through @WISEACT2050

2nd Workshop and MC3 meeting

Our 2nd Workshop focusing on the links between Public Transport and ACT (Autonomous and Connected Transport) is hosted by BME in Budapest on 21st – 22nd November 2018. Follow the discussion @WISEACT2050

1st Workshop and MC2 meeting

Our 1st Workshop focusing on Policy Challenges surrounding ACT (Autonomous and Connected Transport) is hosted by the ERAdiate Chair of the University of Zilina at CVTI in Bratislava on 15th – 16th March 2018. Follow the discussion @WISEACT2050